you have reached my ultra-curated private theatre
i'll be continually updating this page with films and live stage recordings. i'll try to keep everything accessible and in alphabetical order, according to english titles. in addition, i intend to reformat this as i remember to put more stuff here + start hosting the files myself.
title | release date | description | watch now! | poster |
a woman is a woman (une femme est une femme) | 1961 | jean-luc godard's take on the hollywood musical. it's probably his most "accessible" film if you're new to the french new wave. anna karina's character in this movie is so charming | archive, google drive | ![]() |
city of lost souls (stadt der verlorenen seelen) | 1983 | semi-biographical musical primarily about a group of american gay and transgender cabaret performers in berlin, working shifts at burger queen as they daydream for better days. this film caused me to become obsessed with angie stardust. | youtube, google drive | ![]() |
robot carnival (ロボットカーニバル) | 1987 | an anime anthology film with several shorts surrounding the titular "robot" theme. if nothing else, please watch the opening, i adore it. my favorite shorts were "presence", "star light angel" and "strange tales of meiji machine culture". | youtube, google drive | ![]() |
two stage sisters (舞台姐妹) | 1964 | a chinese backstage melodrama produced on the cusp of the cultural revolution. stylistically, it's an interesting synthesis of hollywood and socialist realist conventions. it follows a couple of shaoxing opera actresses whose friendship becomes strained by their respective career trajectories and political beliefs through time. | youtube, google drive | ![]() |