you have reached my private island on the web
i am very happy you're here :) this website is under construction but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
my plan essentially is to make a bunch of pages (maybe even articles. call them love letters) dedicated to things i like. maybe even write extended articles on my thoughts on subjects such as art, (pop) culture, music i'm listening to, et cetera. and a page full of recipes i like and one for movies of varying quality... maybe you'll like them too
my interests: new wave, disco, animatronics, wristwatches, church history, ukagaka/virtual assistants, moe anthropomorphism, mid-century graphic design, media junk food, looking at other people's personal websites
my tragic backstory: i was born in 2004, year of the monkey... i first "learned" html in middle school but fell out of it. if i stuck to my guns i could have made some bitching tumblr themes but the cards did not fall that way. today i'm returning to my vague "compsci" roots and i'm now realizing that i know very little about it because i dedicated so much time to not paying attention in class because i was too busy drawing an eye
speaking of which, here are my art-related social medias. i want my "studio" page to be used to document my creative processes and less presentable drawings